About a month ago we talked about how we planned to make Docker Desktop more first class as part of our Pro and Team subscriptions. Today we are pleased to announce that with the latest release of Docker Desktop we are launching support for Docker Desktop for Pro and Team users. This means that customers on Pro plans or team members on Team plans will be able to get support outside of the community support in our Github repository, this will include installation support, issues in running Desktop and of course the existing support for Docker Hub.

Along with this, we have our first Pro feature available in Docker Desktop! For Pro and Team users who have scanning enabled in Docker Hub, you will be able to see your scan results directly in the Docker Dashboard.

This is the first step in releasing unique features for Pro and Team users on Docker Desktop.

Along with this we are pleased to announce that in Docker Desktop 2.5 we have the GA release of the docker scan CLI powered by Snyk! To find out more about scanning images locally have a read of Marina’s blog post. 

For customers who want more control over their version of Desktop and don’t want to keep dismissing updates, we will be providing the ability to ‘ignore’ updates in Desktop until you choose to install the new version. Additionally, we allow for centralized deployment and management of Docker Desktop teams at scale through revised licensing terms for Docker Teams. This will allow larger deployments of Docker Desktop to be rolled out automatically rather than relying on individuals to install it on their own.

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Pro and Team Subscriptions Embrace Docker Desktop
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