Explore 8 awesome React Native toast components that work on both iOS and Android to help you display temporary messages to your users. These components offer a wide range of features, such as customizable styles, animations, and positions.
react native toast like component works on IOS and Android
Toast , SnackBar , Modal , Show Toast above Modal
React-native smart tip, including Toast、Modal、SnackBar
react native toast like component, pure javascript solution.
React Native cross-plateform Toast component highly customizable
This library is a wrapper around native Toast library which 5 different states of beautiful toasts:
A react native module to show toast alert, it works on iOS and Android.
Demo: https://github.com/netyouli/react-native-whcapp
A native and easy to use toast plugin for react-native
React Native Toast is a toast component for both Android and iOS. it uses scalessec/Toast for iOS;
A android like toast for android and ios, android use native toast, ios use UIView+Toast
#react-native #programming