JavaScript developers will agree that the right framework  saves weeks of production time. The plan — write less code and ship a functional frontend faster. You are here to discover the practical difference between Angular and React to pick one that fits your project, has a strong community backing, and speeds up app deployment. Sit back, as this guide will help you make a confident decision.

As your CTO could say, it’s not only about the framework’s popularity but about what you can do with it. Read on to find out what you should know before committing to one.

What is Angular?

Angular is a JavaScript (JS) frontend framework using the TypeScript language that was released by Google in 2010. Miško Hevery and Adam Abrons first developed it as a JavaScript-based AngularJS to help programmers build dynamic content web applications with HTML templates.

The latest 10.1.3 version of Angular from September 2020 is a rewrite of that original framework. It works  up to 5-10 times faster under an improved algorithm for two-way data binding and the addition of component-based architecture.

Developers use Angular to build large-scale web applications such as e-commerce, booking platforms or Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) that make a website perform like a smartphone app. It remains one of the top JavaScript frameworks because of its backing from Google and its coding power.

What is React?

In 2011, Facebook’s software engineer Jordan Walke created the React library for frontend UI works. Yes, it’s a library, but it’s often called a framework as expansion packages make it function as one. In contrast to Angular, React (or React.js) relies on JavaScript and works under a unidirectional data exchange model that uses components rather than templates.

It’s now in the 16.13.1 version released in March 2020 that introduced custom DOM attributes with better server-side rendering. Developers use React for similar purposes as Angular. The React library is a foundation for PWAs, social media platforms, data dashboards, and cross-platform mobile apps. React’s wide market adoption comes from its clear formatting style and rich component availability.

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Angular vs. React - Which one to choose for your Web app?
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