Redux is a pattern and library for managing and updating application state, using events called “actions”. In other words, the Redux pattern provides state management for JavaScript apps. You can use the Redux library with any frontend framework, such as React, Angular, or even Vue. In the end, you can implement the Redux pattern in any vanilla JS application.

This article covers what Redux is, why you need it, how it works, the benefits, and when not to use Redux. To make Redux clearer, we’ll update you with code examples to make the concept easier to grasp. Let’s get started!

What is Redux?

As mentioned in the introduction, Redux is a pattern that facilitates state management. It allows you to maintain a predictable state container for your JavaScript apps. This is important for consumer-facing applications where the interface changes based on user input.

On top of that, Redux prevents race conditions where two components simultaneously try to update the state. It accomplishes this task by defining actions that get dispatched to reducers.


 Do You Really Need Redux? - Pros and Cons of this State Management Library
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