Although both Data Science and Artificial Intelligence fall in the same category and are inter-related, they are not the same. These are two popular and most sought-after technologies that have their own sets of concepts and applications. Yes, these domains may have some common topics, and time and again, they may overlap. However, both these technologies are unique in their own ways and their uses. Here, you will explore Data Science vs Artificial Intelligence so that you can clear all your confusions.

  • DS vs AI Updated on: 20th Jul, 20 13 Views

In this Data Science vs Artificial Intelligence blog, you will cover the topics mentioned below:

  • What is Data Science?
  • What is Artificial Intelligence?
  • Difference between Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
  • Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Jobs
  • Artificial Intelligence vs Data Science Salary

What is Data Science?

Data Science is a reigning field in the IT industry and has conquered almost every industry today. It is a broad field that mainly pertains to data processes and data systems, and it aims to work on these datasets to derive valuable information from them. In this domain, data acts as the fuel that helps in extracting useful and meaningful insights regarding companies and in identifying the current market trends.

#data science #artificial intelligence #ai

The difference between Data Science vs. Artificial Intelligence
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