Importance of Artificial Intelligence in the next industrial revolution

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The fundamental of creating an AI-based algorithm is to create efficient and intelligent algorithms that can be used to solve real-world challenges. Artificial Intelligence is used to do the automation of the jobs of repeatable nature. According to the sources by 2030 around 50% of the jobs in the U.S will be automated which further leads to job cuts. This may remove old jobs but also many new jobs would also be created, which further will create the necessity of professionals with AI skills. As a result of which a lot of artificial intelligence courses and artificial intelligence tutorial requirements have taken place in the market right now. The corporates are hunting now for the professionals with the right skills and right talent.

Therefore it has become very important for one to get skilled in this particular technology and to climb the corporate ladder in the coming years. From Google’s driverless cars to Amazon Go stores AI has conquered everything that comes into the picture. The following are the some of the top industries that have implemented Artificial Intelligence Algorithms to some of their processes:

  1. Financial Industry: Some of the leading banks like the HDFC banks have started using AI based algorithm implemented robots to count their notes or the currency. This is mostly done cut off the extra costs involved in the entire process.
  2. Healthcare: This particular Health care industry has started using AI based robots that can actually perform surgical operations on humans. More than 17000 surgeries have already been done till today.
  3. Retail: Nowadays many retail stores have started using the AI based algorithms to analyze your purchase history and accordingly it will show new product recommendations to consumers.
  4. Manufacturing: Many AI based robots have already started its operations in manufacturing and designing various cars and bikes according to the consumer behavior.


Importance of Artificial Intelligence in the next industrial revolution
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