7 Best Vue Pagination Component for Your App

The Vue pagination component is used to separate long sets of data so that it is easier for a user to consume information. Depending on the length provided, the pagination component will automatically scale. In this post, I want to share with you the 7 best pagination components.

1. vue-composable

Vue composition-api composable components.
vue-composable is out-of-box ready to use composition-api generic components, eg: useFetch
100% typescript based composable components and full type support out-of-box.


Demo: https://pikax.me/vue-composable/

Download: https://github.com/pikax/vue-composable/archive/master.zip

2. Simple Pagination Example

This is a simple example of how to implement client-side pagination in Vue.js.
The example contains a hard coded array of 150 objects split into 15 pages to demonstrate how the pagination component works.

Simple Pagination Example

Demo: https://codesandbox.io/s/vuejs-pagination-tutorial-example-robvf

Download: https://github.com/cornflourblue/vue-pagination-example/archive/master.zip

3. vue-ads-pagination

Vue ads pagination is a vue js pagination component. On the left side you find some information about the shown items. On the right side you can select a specific, the first, last, next or previous page.

All the components can be overriden by your own components, or you can add your own styles to the default components.


Demo: https://jsfiddle.net/arnedesmedt/18n9k6vm

Download: https://github.com/arnedesmedt/vue-ads-pagination/archive/develop.zip

4. simple-pagination

It takes the number of pages (pages), current page (currentpage) and a function for page changing (@changePage)


Download: https://github.com/celdotro/simple-pagination/archive/master.zip

5. Vue-smart-pagination

A data pagination component that splits any data into pages and has many settings.
All data is stored in an array and can have any values.


Demo: http://github.webfriends.by/vue-smart-pagination/

Download: https://github.com/grinmax/vue-smart-pagination/archive/master.zip

6. Pagination component

A pagination component should allow the user to go to the first and last pages, move forward and backwards and change directly to a page in a close range.

Pagination component

Download: https://codepen.io/alligatorio/pen/zWvpRp

7. Laravel Vue Pagination

A Vue.js pagination component for Laravel paginators that works with Bootstrap.

  • Vue.js 2.x
  • Laravel 5.x
  • Bootstrap 3/4

Laravel Vue Pagination

Demo: https://laravel-vue-pagination.now.sh/

Download: https://github.com/gilbitron/laravel-vue-pagination/archive/master.zip

#vuejs #javascript #programming

7 Best Vue Pagination Component for Your App
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