Don’t search or scroll for your favorite songs, Spotify will take care of it using Big Data

You’re listening to one of your favorite Jazz songs. And the next song is of the same genre. Gone are the days of downloading your favorite songs. Personalized online streaming is the new thing and Spotify – the largest on-demand music service provider, was the first one to make this breakthrough. What made Spotify different from other music platforms? The company effectively leveraged technology, primarily big data to provide a personalized experience to each user. How Spotify uses Big Data? Let’s know more about it

Spotify online player entered the music industry in 2008 with 24 million registered users (still counting). Having around 20 million songs in its database, they keep on adding 20 thousand new songs every day. That’s quite impressive. With so much data, it makes sense to leverage big data tools and techniques to provide a high-quality user experience.

Spotify breathes data as for each decision they tend to use data. As the platform continues to procure data points, it is using data to train machines and algorithms to listen to music and provide insights that are useful for the experience of its users as well as its business.

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Tech for Enjoying Music - Here’s How Spotify uses Big Data
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