One of the useful functionalities that you may need to have on your website is a counter that counts the views of your web pages. The easiest way to do that is through the CountAPI which gives you this amazing functionality.

In this article, we will learn how to count our page views using the CountAPI in JavaScript. Let’s get right into it.

The CountAPI

This API allows you to make numeric counters. It’s a very useful API to track the number of hits a page received. It also allows you to know the number of users that clicked on a button for example. So it also counts events.

The CountAPI provides a hit endpoint each time it is called, the counter will increase by one.

Check it out in the link below:

You should know that each counter is identified inside a namespace with a key. The namespace should be unique, so you need to replace it with your website domain.


How to Count Page Views With The Count API
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