What is Prototype Design pattern?

prototypes design pattern allows you to create objects by cloning an existing object instead of creating a new object from scratch. This pattern is used when the process of object creation is costly. when cloning, the newly copied object contains the same characteristics as its source object. After cloning, we can change the values of the new object’s properties as required. This pattern comes under a **creational **pattern.

For easier understanding, Assume that a database operation should be done in order to create an object. This database call is both time-consuming and costly. we need to create multiple objects. As a result, when we create a new object, each time a database call will occur, this will give a performance flop, right? As a result, initially, we create one object and clone it each time when we required a new object. This will cut down the database calls for each object creation.

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Overview Of Prototype Desing Pattern
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