In this blog post, we are going to explore some of the best open-source Flutter app templates that cannot be missed by the Flutter developers. Flutter is a popular cross-platform mobile application development framework that helps developers build pixel-perfect UI, powered by Dart programming language. It delivers widget-based UI development which is very easy to learn and grasp. With a single codebase, you can build for both Android and iOS platforms. And, in recent versions, there is the integration of web-based programming infrastructure as well.

The listed open-source Flutter app templates are the mix of different application types which can provide a high degree of knowledge about Flutter app development. These templates are essential resources to learn how a state-of-the-art Flutter application can be coded and built. Looking through these amazing templates you are sure to grasp a ton of core concepts that are specific to Flutter development, such as UI widgets, Dart programming, navigation, provider, bloc pattern stateless and stateful widget classes, theming, etc. for different types of applications.

Now, let us take a dig at the 10 most amazing open-source Flutter apps that you can use freely.

1. Natrium – Fast, Robust & Secure NANO Wallet

One of the most popular open-source applications; build for NANO cryptocurrency. The app is fully coded using Flutter framework/dart programming. Apart from the app’s functional capability, we should definitely take a look at its UI build. This dark-themed open-source application provides intuitive and modern UI design and looks. It is a fairly quick, robust, and secure wallet application that can be used from trading NANO. Along with an efficient mechanism to share QR codes to receive the NANO it also houses an intuitive mechanism to add contact information easily. The push notification service notifies users of any updates and while receiving the NANO.

The overall app is easy to use and can be an inspiration to build other crypto-wallet applications. The backend is powered by Python running the Redis server. The application use state-of-the-art flutter widgets to give such a clean and modern look to the user interface that will clearly amplify the user experience. The logical and functioning features are readily coded using dart programming providing everything required for a simple crypto-wallet application.

2. Grey – Material designed music player developed in Flutter
3. inKino – a multiplatform Dart project with code sharing between Flutter and web
4. SpaceX GO! – Simple yet powerful, open-source SpaceX launch tracker

5. Flutter Food Delivery Application Design

6. News Buzz – News App created in Flutter using News API
7. Note Taking App made in Flutter with Sqlite
8. Deer – Minimalist Todo Planner app
9. Flutter Grocery Shopping App with WooCommerce API integration
10. WooCommerce App: Label StoreMax

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Top 10 Most Popular Flutter Open Source Apps in 2021
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