VueJS Diff Viewer Plugin


Vue diff viewer plugin

⚠️ This plugin supports only Vue3
Vue2 doesn’t have a support plan yet.



You can see the difference between the two codes with the vue-diff plugin.
This plugin dependent on diff and highlight.js, shows similar results to other diff viewers (e.g., Github Desktop).
Here is the demo


  • [x] Support split / unified mode
  • [x] Support multiple languages and can be extended
  • [x] Support two themes (dark / light) and can be customized
  • [ ] Support IE11 (IE 11 support for Vue@3 is still pending)

Install plugin

npm install vue-diff

install plugin in vue application

import VueDiff from 'vue-diff'
// import VueDiff from 'vue-diff/dist/index.es5' // If need to use es5 build
import 'vue-diff/dist/index.css'



app.use(VueDiff, {
  componentName: 'VueDiff'
name type detault description
componentName string Diff Global diff component name

Usage diff viewer

Insert the diff component with props.



name type detault values description
mode string split split, unified
theme string dark dark, light See Custom theme
language string plaintext See Extend languages
prev string '' Prev code
current string '' Current Code

Custom theme

vue-diff uses the following highlight.js themes and can be customized.

  • dark: highlight.js/scss/monokai.scss
  • light: highlight.js/scss/vs.scss
npm install highlight.js

<style lang="scss">
.vue-diff-theme-custom {
  @import 'highlight.js/scss/vs2015.scss'; // import theme

  background-color: #000; // Set background color

Extend languages

vue-diff supports the following languages and can be extended through highlight.js language registration.

Default supported languages and values

  • css
  • xml: xml, html, xhtml, rss, atom, xjb, xsd, xsl, plist, svg
  • markdown: markdown, md, mkdown, mkd
  • javascript: javascript, js, jsx
  • json
  • plaintext: plaintext, txt, text
  • typescript: typescript, ts
npm install highlight.js
import VueDiff from 'vue-diff'
import 'vue-diff/dist/index.css'

// extend yaml language
import yaml from 'highlight.js/lib/languages/yaml'

VueDiff.hljs.registerLanguage('yaml', yaml)


Check supported languages of Highlight.js

Download Details:

Author: hoiheart

Source Code:

#vue #vuejs #javascript

VueJS Diff Viewer Plugin
17.25 GEEK