I am a JavaScript/Node developer who secretly likes (loves/adores) Deno. I have been a huge fan of Deno ever since it was announced and I’ve been wanting to play with it.

This tutorial focuses on creating a set of REST APIs for a Todo application. Keep in mind that I did not touch the Database part here – I will cover that in another article (and once I do I will link to it here).

Things we will cover

  • Create a basic server
  • Create 5 APIs (routes/controller)
  • Create a middleware to log API requests as they are made in the console
  • Create a not found (404) middleware when the user tries to access an unknown API

What will we need

  • Installed version of Deno in our computer (Don’t worry I’ll walk you through)
  • A tiny bit of knowledge of Typescript (it is a piece of cake & I will do my very best to explain where I use any TS)
  • Would be awesome if you have worked with Node/ExpressJS before (Don’t worry if you haven’t, this tutorial is very basic)

#deno #node #javascript #web-development #typescript

How to Create a Todo REST API in Deno and Oak
7.05 GEEK