AudioSet Dataset is developed by the Google Sound and Video Understanding team. The core member of the AudioSet Dataset is Jort Florent Gemmeke, Daniel P.W.Ellis, Dylan, Aren, Manoj Plakal, Marwin Ritter, Shawn Hershey, and two more members of the team. There are other twelve contributors to AudioSet DataSet who help to build a pipeline for the data storage in the form Youtube_url Id, start_time, end_time, and other classes. AudioSet Dataset has more than 600 classes of annotated sound, 6000 hours of audio, and 2,084,320 million YouTube videos annotated videos and containing 527 labels. Each video has a 10 sec sounds clip extracted from Youtube Videos in different classes for the training and testing dataset.

AudioSet Ontology is the collection of sound in hierarchical and organized. It covers a wide range of sounds, from the human voice to pets animals to natural sounds. Below the hierarchical

Table of ontology to select which type of Dataset you require to develop your model or for research purposes.

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Guide To Google’s AudioSet Datasets With Implementation in PyTorch
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