Everyone can profit from an open-source DocumentDB option with ACID properties for your landing data layer.

Hey guys, how are you guys doing? Today I want to present RavenDB, an open-source option for your  OLTP systems of the document type. But before you roll your eyes, skeptic saying: “Yeah, my current choice does that, and even pours me a coffee.”

I want to reassure you that it’s not a long-term commitment here. And leveraging RavenDB as an option for your NoSql needs could grant you some perks. Such as its native support for  OLAP modelling, integration with the major clouds and its  ACID properties, to list some.

Sounds good? So if you have some spare time, I want to present to you what RavenDB does and why it can be a contender for your OLTP systems; we will then see how to query some data. We will wrap up with some use cases and considerations to have in mind for each of them.

What is RavenDB

RavenDB is a NoSql Document type database with exciting features, such as allowing your team to use SQL to explore your semi-structured data in the same way as you do for your structured data.

To understand how it helps, let’s do a quick recap on NoSql and Relational databases. Let’s start by remembering that our data is categorized by how its generated, and it can be in the following formats:

  • Structured (Relational databases or delimited flat-files);
  • Semi-structured (nested structures separated by key-value pairs as shown below);
  • Non-Structured (multimedia content like Photos and Videos).

#nosql #big-data #microservices

Leveraging RavenDB As NoSql Option for Document Storage
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