Top React Loading component library exquisite and beautiful

1. React Loading

React Loading is a React based Loading animation component library includes many exquisite and beautiful loading components. It will effectively relieve the user’s anxiety when you give loading dynamics tips at the appropriate place and moment in your project. This component library supports on-demand loading, so pick a favorite Loading component now to enrich your project.

React Loading

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2. React Awesome Spinners

Loading spinners for React, built with styled-components.


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3. React Simple Infinite Loading

Someone pointed out the React implementation of the list was a bit complex. I figure out it was possible to write an abstraction for this particular case. Here it is!

This component aims to stay easy to use. If your use case needs more options I recommend using directly awesome libraries from Brian Vaughn listed in dependencies section.


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4. React Frontload

Load data asynchronously into your React components. Works on both client and server render.


This is image title


This is image title

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5. React Spinner Material

A simple react component made using canvas and window frame animations.


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6. React Loadcon

React component to manipulate the favicon, as a loading or progress indicator, for now. The idea of “Favicon as DOM” is under construction.


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7. React Page Progress

React library that tracks a users progress through a page as they scroll.


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8. React Top Loading Bar

A very simple, highly customisable youtube-like react loader component.


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9. React Spinners Kit

A collection of loading spinners built with styled-components.


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10. React Wait

React Wait is a React Hook helps to manage multiple loading states on the page without any conflict. It’s based on a very simple idea that manages an Array of multiple loading states. The built-in loader component listens its registered loader and immediately become loading state.


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11. React Redux Loading Bar

A React component that provides Loading Bar (aka Progress Bar) for long running tasks.

React Redux Loading Bar

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12. Material UI Image

Images are ugly until they’re loaded. Materialize it with material image! It will fade in like the material image loading pattern suggests.

Material UI Image

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13. React Loading

Easy to use loading animations for React projects. Uses SVG animations from Brent Jackson’s loading project.


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14. Preact Progress

Simple and lightweight (~590 bytes gzip) progress bar component for Preact.


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15. React Sweet Progress

A way to quickly add a progress bar to react app.

React Sweet Progress

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16. React Progressive Image Loading

Progressively load images using a blur effect.

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17. React Spinners

A collection of loading spinners with React.js based on Halogen.

React Spinners

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18. React Inlinesvg

One of the reasons SVGs are awesome is because you can style them with CSS.Unfortunately, this winds up not being too useful in practice because the style element has to be in the same document.

React Inlinesvg

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19. Rhombe loader

React loader component with clip-path and animated gradient.

20. React Md Spinner

Material Design spinner components for React.js.

React Md Spinner

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21. React Progress Label

Progress component for React and React Native

This is image title

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22. React Spinkit

A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS for React

React Spinkit

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23. Reactive SVG Loader - GSAP

Top React Loading component library exquisite and beautiful .React Loading is a React based Loading animation component library includes many exquisite and beautiful loading components
A little circular loader animated with GSAP and reacting to the mouse using RX.js and the great RXCSS plugin.

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Top React Loading component library exquisite and beautiful
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