How to create a Quiz Project / Application with Django and Javascript.
In this tutorial series we will learn how to build a quiz application with time counter and score summary.


1: How to create a Quiz app in Django with Javascript - part 1

In part 1:
➜ quiz app project overview
➜ creating models for quizes, questions, answers and results
➜ registration of models in the admin (also using tabularinline)
➜ and more!

2: How to create a Quiz app in Django with Javascript - part 2

In part 2:
➜ creating a sample quiz in the django admin
➜ creating basic views, urls and templates
➜ displaying quiz info in a modal using JS
➜ and more!

3: How to create a Quiz app in Django with Javascript - part 3

In part 3:
➜ creating quiz data view with all the questions and answers returned in a json response
➜ displaying the questions and answers in the template using javascript and ajax
➜ shuffling the questions
➜ and more!

4: How to create a Quiz app in Django with Javascript - part 4

In part 4:
➜ submitting the quiz form
➜ write the logic in the view to process data and get the results
➜ display the results in the console
➜ and more!

5: How to create a Quiz app in Django with Javascript - part 5

In part 5:
➜ displaying the results in quiz.html

#django #javascript

How to Create a Quiz App in Django with Javascript
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