You thought AI is intelligent? Well, it has a long road ahead.

Without a doubt, artificial intelligence is one of the most revolutionary technologies being developed. Though, as powerful as it is, there still are a lot of basic problems it is yet to become competent to solve.

David Cox, Director of MIT-IBM Watson AI lab says, “It’s time to reinvent artificial intelligence.” And, according to him, neuro-symbolic AI is the answer.

We take a quick look into what ails present AI, and how AI engineers can revolutionize the discipline with neuro-symbolic AI.

Say, an AI program is asked to “Look at the picture below and tell if there are an equal number of large things and metal spheres?”

Learn More: Why Neuro-symbolic AI is the future of AI: Here’s how it works

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Why Neuro-symbolic AI is the future of AI: Here’s how it works
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