In this article I will cover how to build a basic movie recommendation system with an integrated graphical user interface.

First and foremost we will need data. In order to get a good idea of how well the recommendation system actually performs we will need a sizable dataset.

The dataset consists out of six .csv files and a readme file explaining the dataset. Feel free to have a look at it if you wish. We will only be using these 3:

movies.csv ; ratings.csv ; tags.csv

A couple of python libraries will also be required and installed if you do not have them yet:



-progress (pip install progress)

-fuzzywuzzy (pip install fuzzywuzzy & pip install python-Levenshtein)


I believe they can all be pip installed, the exact commands will be OS dependent. Once we have the data and the libraries installed we are good to go. Any python IDE should work, I use Geany which is a lightweight IDE for Raspbian.

#gui #data-science #python-programming #pandas-dataframe #python

Movie Recommendation System in Python
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