In this tutorial, I will show you how to upload a file in Vue using vue-dropzone library. For this example, I am using Vue.js 3.0. First, we will install the Vue.js using Vue CLI, and then we install the vue-dropzone library. Then configure it, and we are ready to accept the file. DropzoneJS is an open source library that provides drag and drops file uploads with image previews. DropzoneJS is lightweight doesn’t depend on any other library (like jQuery) and is  highly customizable. The  vue-dropzone is a vue component implemented on top of Dropzone.js. Let us start Vue File Upload Using vue-dropzone Tutorial.

Vue File Upload Using vue-dropzone

First, install the Vue using Vue CLI.

#vue #vue-dropzone #vue.js #dropzone.js #dropzonejs #vue cli

Vue File Upload Using vue-dropzone Tutorial
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