Branches, Merge Conflicts, Pull Requests and much more

Linus Torvalds, the man who created Linux Kernel, is also responsible for creating Git. Git has become the most popular SCM (Source Control Management) tool since it’s launch in 2005. It holds more than  80% of the market share of the SCM tools.

What is Git?

Git is a Source Control Management tool which helps team members to work on the same source code, simultaneously, with minimal conflicts. Even if you are a one person team it is good to have backups. Sometimes you would like to rollback to a previous code. Git helps with all these.

Though, you should know the basic commands of git like add, commit, pull, push, etc. this article is not about that. We will be using GitHub and GitHub IDE for managing our repository. GitHub Desktop is a GUI for using Git.

Before moving further make sure you have Git and GitHub Desktop installed on your machine. In this article, Mac is used but the Workflow and tools will remain same for different OS.

Use Case

Let’s say we are a team of two people and have to work on a Website. This website has two pages _About _and _Contact. _This article will detail out how the team can work on the source code together and resolve conflicts during merge.

Here is a summary of the article:

  • Create a Project
  • Clone a Project
  • Working with Branches
  • Pull Requests
  • Resolving Merge Conflicts
  • CI/CD

Linus Torvalds, the man who created Linux Kernel, is also responsible for creating Git. Git has become the most popular SCM (Source Control Management) tool since it’s launch in 2005. It holds more than  80% of the market share of the SCM tools.

What is Git?

Git is a Source Control Management tool which helps team members to work on the same source code, simultaneously, with minimal conflicts. Even if you are a one person team it is good to have backups. Sometimes you would like to rollback to a previous code. Git helps with all these.

Though, you should know the basic commands of git like add, commit, pull, push, etc. this article is not about that. We will be using GitHub and GitHub IDE for managing our repository. GitHub Desktop is a GUI for using Git.

Before moving further make sure you have Git and GitHub Desktop installed on your machine. In this article, Mac is used but the Workflow and tools will remain same for different OS.

Use Case

Let’s say we are a team of two people and have to work on a Website. This website has two pages _About _and _Contact. _This article will detail out how the team can work on the source code together and resolve conflicts during merge.

Here is a summary of the article:

  • Create a Project
  • Clone a Project
  • Working with Branches
  • Pull Requests
  • Resolving Merge Conflicts
  • CI/CD

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Git Workflow for Professionals
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