In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to deploy WSGI applications on Google Cloud Compute Engine Instance using Apache2 and mod_wsgi.

WSGI stands for Web Server Gateway Interface, it is an implementation-agnostic interface between web servers and web applications or frameworks to promote common ground for portable web application development.

Notable python web frameworks in this category are Flask, Django and Pyramid.

In this tutorial, we will use pyramid for the sample app, but we are going to cover how to deploy applications from the three frameworks.

To get started, sign up for Google Cloud services. If it is your first time, google will give you $300 free credit to use on the platform.

Note that we are not going to use docker or bash startup script in this tutorial. We will do everything manually.


After signing up on Google Cloud and creating a project, navigate to the API services and enable Compute Engine API. Go back to Compute Engine and follow these steps to create an instance.

On the instance creation form, in the boot disk section, click change and select **ubuntu **as the operating system, then select **ubuntu 18.04 LTS **as the version.

#flask #django #python #gcp #pyramid

Deploy pyramid, flask or django application on Google Cloud
1.60 GEEK