Many people have varied reason to download videos from Youtube. Some for entertainment purpose, some for educational purpose.

In this post let’s see how to download videos from Youtube and record videos from Youtube (In general screen record) without any sophisticated tools.

How to download videos:

Though some may argue there are easy methods to download videos from Youtube why to use Python, find the answer below why you would want to use python for this purpose

1.Free of cost: You don’t have to pay a single penny to download videos ( I know you are already saying that “I am not paying anything already to download”, just hang on there. One of this method is just adding “ss” just after “www.”. This method doesn’t work for some videos on Youtube in my personal experience, so you may want to switch to the python method. Also the “ss” method will become difficult when you have to download multiple videos)

#python #download-movies #youtube #record-screen

How to Download and Record videos from Youtube using Python
11.15 GEEK