I wanted to start a serverless project, and one of the primary headaches aside from architecting the workflow and deciding which lambda functions need to be created is a simple and yet effective CICD workflow.

Typical AWS’s suggestion is to use a combination of CodeCommit, CodeBuld, CodeDeploy, and glue everything together in CodePipeline. But I already have GitHub for other projects, so setting up CodeCommit will be unnecessary. The same applies to CodeBuild whose functions I currently perform with TravisCI, where I run both integration and feature specs.

This will be a NodeJS project, and I am interested in fully testing my functions at the Build phase using Jest. I also know I can adapt TravisCI to perform CodeDeploy’s functions in deploying code changes to production. But I still want my serverless function run on AWS Lambda. So here is my plan;

I use Github for my code repository, and Serverless Framework for creating and deploying my functions to AWS while running the Build phase on Travis. The build phase on Travis will run Jest tests on the functions, if all tests pass, it deploys the code on AWS Lambda using the serverless CLI depending on the working branch. I will create two environments, one for staging and the other for production. The staging branch deploys to my staging env, while the master branch deploys to production. Other branches will only run Jest tests on the lambda code and will not deploy.

All code used on this hands-on is available here on Github. Alright then, here we go.

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CI/CD Pipeline for NodeJS Lambdas on AWS using Jest, Serverless Framework, Github
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