In this post, we will dive into the details of TensorFlow Tensors. We will cover all the topics related to Tensors in Tensorflow in these five simple steps:

  • **Step I: Definition of Tensors → **What is a Tensor?
  • **Step II: Creation of Tensors → **Functions to Create Tensor Objects
  • **Step III: Qualifications of Tensors → **Characteristics and Features of Tensor Objects
  • **Step IV: Operations with Tensors → **Indexing, Basic Tensor Operations, Shape Manipulation, and Broadcasting
  • **Step V: Special Types of Tensors → **Special Tensor Types Other than Regular Tensors

Let’s start!

Definition of Tensors: What is a Tensor?


Figure 1. A Visualization of Rank-3 Tensors (Figure by Author)

Tensors are TensorFlow’s multi-dimensional arrays with uniform type. They are very similar to NumPy arrays, and they are immutable, which means that they cannot be altered once created. You can only create a new copy with the edits.

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Mastering TensorFlow Tensors in 5 Easy Steps
19.10 GEEK