Lightning Talk: Introduction to Media Service Mesh - Giles Heron, Cisco Systems

Media Service Mesh is a new concept for enabling real-time applications in Kubernetes. Most real-time applications (such as multi-player FPS games, multi-party video-conferencing, and CCTV streaming) use UDP rather than TCP and hence are incompatible with current web-proxy based service meshes. In addition they often use out of band TCP control channel to negotiate UDP port numbers, and this is incompatible with the kube-proxy ClusterIP NAT. There is, however, a desire from the developers of these platforms to move away from monolithic applications towards the microservices architecture, and to be able to leverage a service mesh infrastructure providing load balancing, encryption and observability. Media Service Mesh enables this.

#service-mesh #kubernetes #microservices

Introduction to Media Service Mesh - Giles Heron, Cisco Systems
2.00 GEEK