Bee Edu

The main aim of the Javascript fun series is to take your knowledge of these 3 (only a little is required!), and put them into practice by building a series of educational, yet fun projects show you exactly how they work perfectly together. Working on projects and solving problems is a great way to learn.

The project we will build in this course will be a Javascript Photo Editing App.

All the required tools are free to download, I will be using the following:

Visual Studio Code Text Editor:

Chrome Web Browser:

We begin by creating the user interface with HTML. The we apply styling using CSS.

Then we add Javascript, this is where the real magic happens!

You will learn things such as:

Creating HTML interfaces
Styling with CSS
Incorporating Javascript and linking external files
Const and let
ES6 Arrow Functions
Event handlers
Manipulating the DOM
Drawing to the canvas
Using the canvas 2d context
Working with file readers
Uploading images
How pixels are structured
Looping through pixel data
Manipulating and replacing pixels on the canvas
And much more!
So if you are looking to move on and put your skills into practice using with real projects, take this course now!

#javascript #html5

104.05 GEEK