Tips on Arrays, Objects, Functions, Primitive Types, Comparision Operator, and some of the newly introduced features

  1. Convert to string
  2. Convert to number
  3. Convert to boolean
  4. Problem with the string ‘false’
  5. null vs undefined
  6. Truthy and Falsy values
  7. What changes can be made with const
  8. Difference between double equal and triple equal
  9. Better way to accept arguments
  10. Rewriting normal function as arrow function
  11. Return an object/expression from arrow function
  12. Convert a set to an array
  13. Check if a value is an array
  14. Object keys are stored in insertion order
  15. Nullish coalescing operator
  16. What is map() in JS
  17. try…catch…finally — Real example
  18. Destructuring

#programming #web-development #javascript #developer

18 Tips and Tricks for Junior JavaScript Developers
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