I have always fantasized about flying in the iron man suit and had wondered all my day how cool that would be. Also, the personal voice assistant Tony has is super cool. So today, my responsibility is to make you feel a bit more like a tech maniac like tony!

This article is dedicated to tony! We love you 3000 <3.

In this article, we will be focusing on forging a basic and easy voice assistant of our own. It would be a customizable voice assistant which you surely tweak with, as per your desires and requirements.

We will be making one with the following advancements:

  1. Speech Recognition
  2. Google text to speech
  3. Window Automation
  4. Web Browser automation.

Let the name be Jarvis, for the time being.n.

#developers corner #artificial intelligence #personal assistant #voice analytics #voice assistant #voice recogntion

Being Tony Stark: How To Build A Voice Assistant Of Your Own?
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