A high level overview of this multi-criteria decision making method along with a use-case.


Through the course of a lifetime, a human makes a number of decisions, ranging from the most trivial ones that have almost no impact, to those that have life changing consequences. And almost always, these situations involve X number of options and Y number of criteria that they are judged on.

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Example A

Imagine you are out at the supermarket and you want to buy breakfast cereals. You are standing in front of rows and rows of cereals and not sure which one to buy. So what are you looking for?

  1. Price: The cereal must not be too pricey
  2. Flavor: Maybe something with chocolate in it?
  3. Nutrition: Something with mixed fruits or oats.

These are some of the criteria you think of when you browse through the products. Let’s say you pick up Fruit Loops, Frosted Flakes and Lucky Charm. You mentally run each of them through the criteria and compare them against each other. Then you make a decision and put Frosted Flakes in your cart.

#decision-making #python

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