Kubernetes is the most popular orchestration tool globally, and the CNCF (Cloud Native Computing FoundationCKA exam is the most popular exam to check your skills in the k8s world. The CKA it’s a first step in the k8s certification way.

CKA exam isn’t hard, but some questions are critical to understanding. That’s why mock questions could help you. I have compiled a list of valuable tips to pass the Certified Kubernetes Administrator exam.

Tips Before You Go to the Exam

Learn a lot - practice, practice, and practice.

You shouldn’t just know the basic concepts; you should know where to find a particular case in the official documentation.

  1. _Study the official _cheat sheet_ page well._ There are a lot of commands used in the exam. You should know them.
  2. Create useful bookmarks for quick access to specific information. It’s handy to use these bookmarks in your mock tests. Here are my top bookmarks. Feel free to import these to your browser.
  3. You will have only ~6 minutes on each question. Practice a lot yourself to complete them within the time limit. Ideally, you should spend ~5 minutes to complete each question and ~ 1 minute to verify yourself and resolve the issues if it is necessary.
  4. _Create a predefined _list table_ with all questions (16-20)._ It’s useful to understand:
    • How many questions completed?
    • Which question has more weight?
    • How many scores you have (a score of at least 66% was required to pass)?

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Tips and Tricks to Pass Certified Kubernetes Application (CKA) Exam
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