A tutorial on how you can add a new line in JavaScript and a complete guide on all the available escape characters in JavaScript. Apart from the new line character we are also going to learn about various other escape characters in JavaScript and how they can help you format your strings in various different ways. By the end of the video, you will know a lot more escape characters than just the new line symbol in JavaScript.

📖 Video Chapters

  • 00:00 Video Intro
  • 01:04 Double quotes escape character
  • 03:46 Single quotes escape character
  • 05:26 Backslash escape character
  • 06:54 Newline character in Js
  • 08:02 Some unknown character literals

Code Sandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/loving-oskar-3xhwr?file=/strings-data-types/charecter-literals.js


How to Add New Line JavaScript [All JavaScript Escape Characters]
2.05 GEEK