5 Best Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds for People with Allergies - Guide 2024

If you love dogs but have allergies, there are breeds that are less likely to cause allergic reactions. Here’s a guide to 5 hypoallergenic dog breeds that could be perfect companions for you.

1. Poodle

Poodles come in different sizes – Toy, Miniature, and Standard – and have curly, hypoallergenic coats that don’t shed much.

Why They’re Hypoallergenic: Poodles produce fewer allergens because their curly hair traps them instead of spreading them around. This makes them easier for allergy sufferers to live with.

Personality: Poodles are smart, friendly, and enjoy being around people. They’re easy to train and fit well into family life.

2. Bichon Frise

Bichon Frises are small, fluffy dogs with curly coats that don’t shed much.

Why They’re Hypoallergenic: Their coats produce less dander (allergens) and shed minimally, which helps keep allergens low in your home.

Personality: Bichon Frises are cheerful, affectionate, and love being part of the family. They’re playful and get along well with kids and other pets.

3. Maltese

Maltese dogs are small with silky white hair that doesn’t shed much.

Why They’re Hypoallergenic: Their single-layered coat doesn’t produce a lot of dander, making them a good choice for allergy sufferers.

Personality: Maltese are gentle, loving, and enjoy cuddling with their owners. They’re loyal companions and do well in apartments.

4. Shih Tzu

Shih Tzus are small dogs with long, silky coats that shed very little.

Why They’re Hypoallergenic: Their silky hair traps allergens and they shed minimally, reducing the risk of allergies.

Personality: Shih Tzus are affectionate, outgoing, and love attention. They’re good with children and make loving companions.

5. Miniature Schnauzer

Miniature Schnauzers are small, sturdy dogs with a wiry coat.

Why They’re Hypoallergenic: Their coarse, wiry coat sheds minimally and doesn’t produce much dander, making them suitable for allergy sufferers.

Personality: Miniature Schnauzers are smart, playful, and loyal. They make great watchdogs and enjoy being part of family activities.

Tips for Living with Hypoallergenic Dogs

  • Regular Grooming: Keep your dog’s coat clean and groomed to reduce allergens.
  • Clean Your Home: Vacuum and dust regularly to minimize allergens in your living space.
  • Consult a Doctor: Before getting a dog, talk to an allergist to understand your allergies better.

Emotional Support Certifications

If you’re considering any of these hypoallergenic dog breeds for emotional support, you can obtain certifications from RealESALetter.com. They provide the necessary documentation to support your emotional support animal (ESA) status.

More Information on Dog Breeds

If you want to learn more about different dog breeds, including their characteristics and suitability as pets, you can find valuable information on The Pet World. It's a reliable source for understanding the needs and traits of various dog breeds.


Hypoallergenic dog breeds are a great choice for people who love dogs but struggle with allergies. These breeds have coats that shed less and produce fewer allergens, making them easier to live with. Consider adopting one of these breeds to enjoy the companionship of a furry friend without the worry of allergies.


More Resources:


Understanding Your Dog’s Behavior: A Simple Guide

The Role of ESA's in Mental Health Therapy: Benefits and Considerations

Dog Body Language: All You Need To Know

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