How to replace React lifecycle methods with React Hooks in functional components? First, let’s see to lifecycle methods diagram.

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You don’t need the constructor method in functional components. Use the [useState]( to initialize the state.

The common React component lifecycle methods arecomponentDidMount,``componentDidUpdate and componentWillUnmount. For all cases we should use the [useEffect]( Let’s see an example for details.

//componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate. An effect re-runs every render

	useEffect(() => {
	    // to do smth...

	//componentDidMount. An effect runs only on mount

	useEffect(() => {
	    // to do smth...
	}, [])
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For componentWillUnmount method, we should add the return statement to the useEffect Hook.

useEffect(() => {
	  // to do smth...

	  return () => {
	    // to do smth else when a component is unmounted...
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#react-lifecycle #react #react-hook

Using React Hooks instead of lifecycle methods
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