Using Vuex axios get request, we will see how we can dispatch an action to get the data from the server and then update the state of our application and display that data into the Vue component. I am using Vue 3, Vuex for state management and Axios for client-side network request library to send an HTTP request. In this example, So let us start.

Vuex Axios example overview

  1. Scaffolding a Vue.js project with  Vue CLI and installing required dependencies.
  2. Setting up the project structure and SCSS.
  3. Setting up  vue-router.
  4. Setting up the REST API.
  5. Setting up the  Vuex store.

We start our project by installing the Vue.js using the Vue cli.

#vuex #vue.js #axios #http

Vuex Axios Example | Vuex Axios GET Request Tutorial
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