There have been numerous studies looking into the relationship between sleep, exercise, leisure, studying and happiness. The results were often quite like how we expected, though there have been debates about the relationship between sleep and happiness. However, I was wondering if we could put it in the perspective of how we spend our time in general and seeing whether a balance of time spent in different aspects of our lives would influence our happiness levels.

Rather than chasing after more sleep, or more exercise, how should we be spending our time across the board to increase our happiness?

As a university student in Singapore, I decided to do a simple survey of my peers.

Data description:

Number of responses=45

Variables, keeping in mind that I am asking university students:

— year of studies

— gender

— level of comfort around people (account for possible personality differences)

— satisfaction (a good measure for happiness as it tends to be stable)

— sleep hours (per day)

— study hours (per day)

— exercise hours (per week)

— leisure hours (per week)

Next, I’ll be using Python through Jupyter Notebook to do some data cleaning. Starting with importing of the necessary packages and looking at the data.

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import statsmodels.api as sm
import numpy as np
import math
#loading the data
data=pd.read_csv("Happiness and how we spend our time (Responses) - Form Responses 1.csv")

#python #time #data-analysis #happiness #students

How should students spend their time to improve their happiness?
1.15 GEEK