Redis is one of the most popular in-memory data structure servers, often used as a database, a cache, and a message broker. The popularity is thanks to its enormous versatility and the wide variety of use cases it enables.Working with Redis in Ruby is amazingly simple to start. After setting up a Redis instance, you add redis gem, write a short piece of code, then here we go.

Example: Traditional Redis usages

However, over time, managing and auditing Redis keys and usages become a real challenge after dozens of key patterns as well as millions to zillions of keys are added.Sideroo gem provides an exciting set of features that would help ease your pains in maintaining and auditing Redis usages throughout your codebase.

Sideroo — The declarative Object-oriented library for Redis

sideroo is Object-oriented Redis (ooredis) spelled backward.Aimed to solve the above problems, this gem builds a thin abstraction on top of redis gem and provides an exciting set of features.

  • Declarative key definitionIntuitive key initializationObject-oriented methods based on the data typeEnumerable methods — alleachmapcount , flushIntuitive key filtering — whereGenerated documentation for Redis usage — _COMING SOON_Key audit — COMING SOON

It can fit right into your codebase if you are using redis gem (with or without redis-namespace ).

#ruby #programming #software-development #ruby-on-rails #redis

Sideroo: Declarative & auditable key management Ruby gem for Redis
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