In this video, I’ll walk through how to build a Neptune-backed AppSync GraphQL API with TypeScript, AWS CDK, AWS AppSync, and AWS Lambda.

We’ll start from scratch, creating a new CDK project, installing the dependencies, and writing the stack step by step. We’ll also create and walk through the GraphQL schema as well as the business logic that will run in Lambda.

Blog post:

0:00 - Introduction
1:28 - Creating the project
3:27 - Creating the GraphQL API
5:07 - Creating the Lambda function
7:25 - Create the Neptune cluster
10:18 - Writing the function code
18:31 - Deploying and testing the API
21:42 - Conclusion

#graphql #aws #database #typescript #cdk

Building a GraphQL API on AWS with Amazon Graph Database, AppSync, TypeScript, and CDK...
1.90 GEEK