In this video, we are going to learn about IIS Express extension in Visual Studio Code to quickly launch a web server for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript development. This works especially well when you are developing static HTML web sites, and just want to quickly launch a web server to test layout, style, etc.

IISExpress is a small server that is bundled with Visual Studio and can run dotnet and other web applications.

Here in this video, I have explained how we can use a folder to render sites with IIS Express web server from visual studio code.

In this video, I have included following topics:

➤ What is IISExpress
➤ Visual Studio Code IIs Express Extension
➤ How to run IISExpress web server from Visual Studio Code
➤ How to stop IISExpress web server from Visual Studio Code

#vscode #web-development #javascript #html #css

VSCode and IISExpress- How to Use It Together
3.55 GEEK