Hey everyone, in today’s blog I will be covering the concept of Circuit Breaker in Akka. Before moving forward to it just think of a situation when you are requesting on a website and it is taking too much time. You try to refresh the page and still the same. Would you like to use that website again? I think the answer will be no. Now if you are a developer what will you do? There could be many ways for solving this situation and the circuit breaker can be a help here.

What is a Circuit Breaker?

Accept it that failures are everywhere and even with every software. Especially when there are remote calls then the probability of failure is more. Now if there are many users and your server/supplier is unresponsive, you will soon run out of critical resources. And all this can lead to cascading failures across multiple systems.

Circuit Breaker pattern can be used to prevent this. In this, you wrap a protected function call in a Circuit Breaker object which monitors the failures. Once the failures reach a certain threshold, the circuit breaker trips, and all further calls to the circuit breaker return with an error, without the protected call being made at

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Circuit Breaker in Akka
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