World Population Prospects predicted that by 2050 1 in 6 people in the world will be over the age of 65. All the societies in the world are in the midst of this longevity revolution. Some of them are at its early stages and some have become advanced. But all will pass through this extraordinary transition, in which chance of surviving to age 65 rises from less than 50 percent. Europe, Japan, and China’s economies are growing rapidly. The population of people with 60 years of age and older will increase from 12 to 22 percent.

This aging demographic is increasing rapidly and will be affecting social, economic and health outcomes for the growing economies all over the world.

Considering the prevalence of chronic diseases like comorbidities, and polypharmacy requirements of elderly and geriatric patients the healthcare delivery pathways will be settled. Geriatric diseases such as atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, diabetes, dementia, and osteoarthritis require quick diagnosis and continuous supervision by a professional caretaker.

Considering the situation healthcare providers are starting to offload certain parts of care-pathways to AI based on automation. AI is helpful in intelligent tracking of biometric information to early diagnosis of diseases, understanding the treatment pathways and helping clinicians to take care of the elderly people and treat them more efficiently.

#artificial intelligence

How Artificial Intelligence Is Helping Elderly People?
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