In this article, we will use Next.js to build a static blog framework with the design and structure inspired by Jekyll. I’ve always been a big fan of how Jekyll makes it easier for beginners to setup a blog and at the same time also provides a great degree of control over every aspect of the blog for the advanced users.

With the introduction of Next.js in recent years, combined with the popularity of React, there is a new avenue to explore for static blogs. Next.js makes it super easy to build static websites based on the file system itself with little to no configuration required.

The directory structure of a typical bare-bones Jekyll blog looks like this:

├─── _posts/ posts in markdown
├─── _layouts/        ...layouts for different pages
├─── _includes/ components
├───         ...homepage
└─── config.yml config

The idea is to design our framework around this directory structure as much as possible so that it becomes easier to migrate a blog from Jekyll by simply reusing the posts and configs defined in the blog.

#Article #next.js

How to Build a Blog with Next.js
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