I have a handful of web projects that I maintain. Some of these are sites like the one for my films ( Hello World Film and  Don’t Worry, I’m Fine) but some others are community projects like  Atlanta Code Camp. I’ve battled with the best way to develop and deploy these projects for quite a while.

The problem has been that for a long time I’ve just been checking into a main branch in Git and publishing that on every check-in. That’s caused me some down time over the years. Maybe with these small projects it doesn’t matter, but I like to keep these up (especially this blog) so I wanted to make a change that would address it.

First thing I did was create a branch in Git for working on the project. I thought about doing Pull Requests but since I’m the only dev on most of these, it felt a little to over-complicated. So instead I have a branch I call ‘next’ that I do active development into:

Next Branch

I’ve set up an Action to automatically build and deploy the project on every build. If you’re curious how to do this in GitHub Actions,  see my blog post about it.

#azure #web development #git #github

Using Azure Slots and GitHub for Personal Projects
1.25 GEEK