There are countless Python packages easily added to any project. But there are some packages you can’t help but use in every Django web app because they’ve proven to be extremely beneficial and time saving.

We decided to focus on those packages, the ones you’ll end up installing regularly, and explain the installation and configurations needed to get them up and running.

While some Python packages offer cool functionality needed for one specific project, the packages discussed below are the bread-and-butter of the Django packages.

Django Web Framework

But we can’t jump into Django packages with talking about the Django web framework.

A web framework is comprised of modules or packages that allow developers to quickly write web applications without having to handle the precise details of protocol and other web app management.

Django is considered a full-stack web framework in which a database, application server, template engine, authentication module, and dispatcher are all neatly combined to create a high-level framework. These individual components are included upon package installation and often times just need some minor configurations for them to function correctly.

Installing Django:

macOS Terminal

(env)User-Macbook:env user$ pip install django

Windows Command Prompt

(env)C:\Users\Owner\desktop\env> pip install django

At the time of this article, the latest version of Django is 3.0.8. To install the latest version, all you need is the command pip install django.

If you wish to install a different version, then specify the version number as demonstrated in the command pip install django==2.1.15. Please note that there are two equal signs after the package name, not one.

Once the installation is complete, you will need to start configuring your Django web app with a project and an application. If you want to jump right in to building your Django web app, check out the quick start guides to Django Installation and Django Configuration. Or if you are just getting started an need a step-by-step tutorial, see the Beginner’s Guide to Django Web Apps.

But we’re here to talk about Python Packages meant for Django web apps, not basic Django configurations so we’ll keep moving. We have a lot to cover.

#python #django #web development #web app development

Top 6 Python Packages you should be using in every Django Web App
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