AppImagePool: A Flutter-Based AppImageHub Client


Simple AppImageHub Client

Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4

Main Highlights

  • Simplified categories
  • Download from github directly, no extra-server involved
  • Integrate and Disintegrate appimages easily from your system
  • Version History and multi download support
  • FLOSS and non profit app

Download Links

AppImageNightly AppImageFlatpak
Download AppImageDownload AppImageDownload on Flathub



  • Install

flatpak install flathub io.github.prateekmedia.appimagepool

  • Run

flatpak run io.github.prateekmedia.appimagepool


  • Run chmod a+x appimagepool-x86_64.AppImage

Or Right Click to go to Permissions and allow to run as a program and Execute (Open the file again).

Build from source

  • Download latest Flutter SDK (>=2.5.0 / beta version)
  • Clone this repo and then
# Download dependencies and Enable Linux support
flutter pub get; flutter config --enable-linux-desktop

# For Direct Testing
flutter run -v -d linux

Contribute translations

We use weblate for translations.

Download details:

Author: prateekmedia

License: GPL-3.0 license

#flutter #dart 

AppImagePool: A Flutter-Based AppImageHub Client
1.45 GEEK