
Over the past decade, continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) have become staples of the software development lifecycle. CI automates the process of merging code and checking for basic regressions and code quality issues, relieving some of the code review burden on your dev team. CD and automated deployments eliminate the overhead involved each time a new feature or a hotfix needs to get deployed.

Imagine if there were no more nights and weekends spent packaging builds and manually deploying across servers! A functional CI/CD setup makes it significantly easier to have a truly agile workflow, as you can deploy as frequently as you want to.

However, CD in particular can be difficult to set up, oftentimes involving learning a whole new set of skills involving Dockerfiles, YAML, and the idiosyncrasies of each app and environment. Especially for smaller teams, these complexities make the idea of having automated deployments just a dream.

Continuous deployment doesn’t need to be this hard to set up.

As a full-stack developer and consultant who often helps dev teams to increase the value they deliver each sprint, when Heroku Flow came onto my radar I knew it was time to take a closer look. Could this be the simple, straightforward solution I’d been looking for?

What is Heroku Flow?

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Heroku Flow is the umbrella for a few different Heroku products which work together to provide a full CI/CD suite of tools. For CI, there’s Heroku CI. For CD, there is Heroku Pipelines, which allows you to specify a group of environments within which to promote builds, and Heroku Review Apps, which give you on-demand builds of each pull request. Bringing it all together is the GitHub Integration, which allows the process to be automatically triggered simply by pushing to your default branch.

Let’s set up a sample application and see what it takes. Do note that Heroku Review Apps is currently only available with the GitHub Integration.

How to Set Up Heroku Flow

First, you will need an application to experiment with. If you’re just trying things out, feel free to fork my sample application. It’s a basic Next.js application with a simple unit test added.

If you are adding your own Next.js application, do note that you will need to add a PORT arg to the start command, as below:

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From there, sign up for a Heroku account and let’s get started!

#devops #continuous-delivery #ci-cd-pipeline #heroku #web-programming

Continuous Deployment Shouldn’t Be Hard
1.10 GEEK