Pandas DataFrame is one of these structures which helps us do the mathematical computation very easy. The Data frame is the two-dimensional data structure, for example, the data is aligned in the tabular fashion in rows and columns.

Pandas library is the popular Python package for data science and machine learning, and with good reason: it offers dominant, expressive, and flexible data structures that make the data manipulation and analysis effortless, among many other things.

Pandas DataFrame Example

DataFrame is a two-dimensional size-mutable, potentially composite tabular data structure with labeled axes (rows and columns).

Firstly, DataFrame can contain the following data type of data.

  1. The Pandas Series: a one-dimensional labeled array capable of holding any data type with axis labels or index. An example of a Series object is one column from a DataFrame.
  2. The NumPy ndarray, which can be a record or structure.
  3. The two-dimensional ndarray using NumPy.
  4. Dictionaries of one-dimensional ndarray’s,  lists,  dictionaries or  Series.

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