Microservices also is known as the microservice architecture is an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of services. These services are,

Highly maintainable and testable.
Loosely coupled.
Independently deployable.
Organized around business capabilities.
Microservices are the trending topic in the IT landscape and are deeply appreciated by the big business farms like Amazon and Netflix.

All software is built on a particular architectural style that defines how new functionalities have to be developed, what is possible considering development. Microservice architecture is one such style. The beauty of this architectural style is that a big application (monolith) is cut into small applications called microservices. All these separate microservices work in unison to eventually operate like that one big application.

Advantages of microservices
The microservice software architecture allows a system to be divided into several smaller, individual and independent services. Each service is flexible, robust, composable, and complete. They run as autonomous processes and communicate with one another through APIs. Each microservice can be implemented in a different programming language on a different platform. Since these parts can be operated in parallel, the existing infrastructure is easier to maintain.

Thus, a lot of companies are also focusing on microservices online training to implement the architectural style in a better way.

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