Information is no power unless it is equally accessible to all. Data can be the new age oil, but it cannot be used to fuel the world unless it is equally available, accessible, and affordable by all the stakeholders. More so in a day and age where, under the weight of the global pandemic, enterprises worldwide have embraced **“Virtual Agile Delivery” **as the new accepted norm of working.

Surveys have shown that employees on an average end up spending ~40 minutes a day in trying to discover a document. While 71% of the people keep asking around, around 46% of them choose to use the company directory, roughly 34% use the intranet and 30% of the people eventually send a company wide mail to find the information they need.

While communication and collaboration tools such as Microsoft Teams, Slack, Jira, Zoom, etc. ensure smooth remote coordination, what they do lack is enterprise-level storage and accessibility of information.

For example, if Person A sitting in Dallas coordinates with Person B sitting in Mumbai on a use case and upon collective brainstorming, they come out with good inferences and insights, those essential nuggets of truth remain limited to that conversation between Person A and B while the rest of the enterprise remains oblivious to the existence of such a use case and such information. 10 days later, Person C and Person D spend another 2-3 hours discussing a similar use case rather than using inferences already available but sadly not accessible and not known to the majority of the enterprise. There goes Data Democratization.

Ensuring all material information is made available to all kinds of users – technical and non-technical in equal measure is what can truly empower, energize and engineer the new age growth of an organization where every individual can access the data, interpret the same in the context of his/her requirements and use it to serve the customer in the best manner possible.

“Data Democratization” Will Be the New Substratum That Would Engine the Growth of Enterprises

With the positives of “Data Democratization” well known, how should enterprises approach institutionalize this in their respective organizations?

#big data #data #data security #data integrity #democratization

Data Is Oil but Data Democratization Is the Real Fuel
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