We bet every javascript developer have must be faced this one error once in their development journey - property ‘x’ of undefined.

To get rid of such an error, the developer must verify all possible responsible elements in order to give a fair shot to Typescript.

That is one of the main reasons when Vuejs introduced Typescript support; it became intriguing to experiment with Vue 3 TypeScript.

And trust us, at the end of the experiment, the struggle was worth the try!

In order to build lightweight and small-size applications, Vue is considered one of the strong contenders compared to other technologies. To create a to-do app based on vue 3, first of all, we need to install the vue js into the system.

After successfully installing the vue, you will need to follow this step-by-step procedure to get profound results.

  1. create the project by setting up the configuration
  2. Run the project with the single-shot command

As per the code snippet shown in the below link, the connected in-depth descriptive article, create the project structure.

This is image title

This structure will include the the following attributes

  • SCSS
  • Models
  • Router
  • Store
  • Views

Make sure you create one module at a time and edit the consisted files one by one. During this process, you can add files as well.

Further, initiate the routing procedure. This will facilitate the display of the components.

The next step would be the vue Typescript part which will include Basemodel.ts and task.ts. To understand the concept thoroughly, we would suggest going through our detailed article on Vue3 Typescript, which will precisely explain the entire process with code-rich snippets so that you can have information with deep understanding.

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How to create ToDo App with Vue 3 TypeScript !!
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